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How the floor color works with the wall colors

From a personal interest, a friend who likes white floors suggests the use of a white floor. Many families now prefer to use white floors, hoping to have a quiet home atmosphere. It is recommended to use relatively light colours, such as grey-white lines, to give people a peaceful feeling, and do not create a " light " of the colour of the walls of the wall.

The yellow floor should be equipped with a green wall. Some families like to use a slightly yellow floor, and the wall applies the " adjacent colour " principle to pick green adjacent to yellow, creating a very warm atmosphere.

The black tea color floor should be matched with pink color tone. The infection force and expressive force of the deep - tone floor are very strong, and the individual characters are clear, such as the color of the floor with red color tone gives a strong feeling. If the wall is painted with paint with strong colour, it will appear non - harmonic. However, if you choose the ivory color with the pink tone, it will form a uniform feeling with the red tea color floor.

The deep - tea floor should be decorated. Some heads are willing to match the white walls with the deep tea floor, which makes the floor appear dark. If the walls choose to be the same as the color of the color of the tea, the color of the wall and the floor will be easy to approach , and the space will be large. The style is simple, fresh and elegant .

The ground color. The color of the ground is to be lined with the color of the furniture , and the ground decoration belongs to a long-term decoration . In general , it will not be replaced frequently . Therefore , the neutral color is always the mainstream color , but if matched properly , dark and light can achieve the desired effect . In general , the following points should be noted :

The lighting conditions of the living room. The lighting conditions of the living room limit the selection range of floor color . The room with good lighting effect can choose the range and the bigger and the depth of the room can be selected . The floor is lower , and the insufficient light collection room should pay attention to the selection of the ground material with high brightness and proper color , so as to avoid using the material with the darker color as much as possible .

The size of the room. The color can affect the visual effect of the person , the warm tone is the expansion color , the cool tone is shrink color . Therefore , the floor of the room with the small area should choose the cool color of the dark color , or the simple and bright floor , make the space appear more narrow , increase the feeling of oppression . In addition , on the selection of the flower color , it should be inclined to small grain or straight grain effect , avoid the big and random pattern .

Floor selection and decoration style. Floor selection , not only to consider some of the actual situation of the room , the decoration style is also one of the important factors that must be considered . Different decoration styles , if the floor selection is not appropriate , not only can not play the effect of the dragon ' s eye , but also may make you unified whole style destroyed . The following simple introduction of three common decoration style floor sauna collocation .

Naturalism. Pure natural materials reflect the feeling of quality, simplicity and nature, return to nature and return to nature. It is also a popular practice in naturalism, such as native furniture made of ancient wood, which is close to the atmosphere of soil and nature.

It is characterized by simple and fast , practical and generous . Because the philosophy of life of " Minimalism " is ubiquitous in the popular culture of the present day , the modern simplicity style is the first and the formal obedience function . Therefore , the style of furniture is as simple as possible and can be saved in the form of the straight strip . The choice of the floor can take into account the simple and neat appearance of the single - colour, straight - grain small pattern or the obvious flower color of the manual design mark of the fashionable front - defense .

European style. This style inherits the luxury, dynamic and changeable visual effects in Baroque style . It also draws the attention of the upper strata . However , the simple European decoration ( commonly known as simply European ) is more suitable for all r . Jane ' s decoration requirements. However, the simple European decoration ( commonly known as simply European ) is more suitable for all r .



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1) What type of product is needed? (such as floors, wall panels, fences, etc.)
2) What is the maximum demand in meters or square meters? For example, 100m? 200 square meters?
3) What is the product model you need? (Individual products have no product model)
4) In which areas do you need to use the product? Family use or agency sales?

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